We look forward to partnering with you in nurturing your beloved child

How to Apply

Thank you for considering Christian Alliance P.C. Lau Memorial International School (CAPCL). CAPCL is now accepting applications for Preparatory to Grade 6 for the Academic Year 2024-2025. Here are the steps to CAPCL's admissions process
  1. Prepare the following documents prior to starting the online application
    • Digital student photo
    • Copy of student's birth certificate
    • Copy of student's Hong Kong Identification Card (if held)
    • Copy of student's passport (if held)
    • Copy of valid visa (for non-resident)
    • Copy of report cards (in English) from the past two years
  1. Complete the Online Application Form*
  2. Submit the required documents and fees
  3. Attend an admissions interview and assessment
  4. Wait for an admissions decision
  5. Enroll and register if applicable
 Applications for the academic year of 2024 - 25 or 2025-26We adopt a rolling admissions process for grades with vacancies and welcome applications for entry at any time during the school year if places are available. Admissions enquiries:Email: admissions@capcl.edu.hkTel: (852) 2950 6326Contact: Ms. Miranda FU Admissions Office HoursMonday to Friday (except public holidays)8:00 am to 4:30 pm School AddressAdmissions office1/F, 2 Fu Ning Street, Kowloon, Hong Kong


PolicyChristian Alliance P.C. Lau Memorial International School (CAPCL) admits any qualified student without discrimination based on gender, race, national and ethnic origin, religion, or disability. CAPCL offers a rigorous program using English and Chinese as the languages of instruction. CAPCL uses the Alberta Program of Studies and is accredited with Alberta Education. Alberta Education requires that CAPCL maintains high academic standards and achievement. To maintain these high academic standards, CAPCL realizes that not all students would benefit from, or be successful in, the program that we offer. For the benefit of students in the School and in the interests of prospective students, CAPCL must be selective in its admissions and placement of students. Guidelines
  1. In determining a student's admissions and placement at CAPCL, the Head of School will consider the following:
    • the student's admissions interview and assessment;
    • the student's past educational performance and experience;
    • the potential for the student to be successful in his/her future studies at CAPCL; and
    • the grade in which the student is applying to enter
  1. Students will not be accepted into a grade beyond 1 year above/below their age-appropriate level.
  2. An applicant, whose sibling attends CAPCL, will be given admission priority.
  1. Interested students wishing to apply to CAPCL will complete and submit an Online Application Form.
  2. The application fee should be accompanied with the application form and required documentation.
  3. All applicants must attend an admissions interview and assessment. Further details are provided on the Online Application Form.
  4. Parents will be notified of the results by email.
  5. Overseas applicants may be granted conditional acceptance based upon previous student progress reports, but admissions interview and assessment will be required once the student reaches Hong Kong.
  6. Parents needing further information are encouraged to contact the Admissions office at admissions@capcl.edu.hk or (852) 2950 6326.
  7. Parents should also become familiar with the CAPCL Tuition and Fees, Individual Capital Note & Annual Capital Levy and Age Guidelines.


Annual Tuition Fee for 2024-2025
Grade*Annual Tuition Fee (HKD) in 10 installments
Grade 1 to Grade 5$137,150
Grade 6$160,260
*The annual tuition fee for 2024-2025 has been approved by the Hong Kong Education Bureau. Tuition is non-refundable, charged in 10 installments and cannot be prorated. Parents are liable for the full month of tuition fee if the student attends school for part of a month.Each student studying in CAPCL shall need to be covered by an Individual Capital Note (ICN) or Annual Capital Levy (ACL). Click here for information. Annual Tuition Fee for 2025-2026
Grade*Annual Tuition Fee (HKD) in 10 installments
Grade 1 to Grade 5$144,700
Grade 6$169,080
*The annual tuition fee for 2025-2026 is subject to approval by the Hong Kong Education Bureau. Tuition is non-refundable, charged in 10 installments and cannot be prorated. Parents are liable for the full month of tuition fee if the student attends school for part of a month.Each student studying in CAPCL shall need to be covered by an Individual Capital Note (ICN) or Annual Capital Levy (ACL). Click here for information. Sibling Fees Reduction
The sibling fees reduction is a tuition discount offered to families with more than two children enrolled at Christian Alliance P.C. Lau Memorial International School. This discount is applied first to the youngest child and then in ascending order. Withdrawal FeesThe school requires two full calendar months' written notice of withdrawal or two full calendar months' tuition if the notice period is less than this. Summer holidays do not count towards the notice period.
Withdrawal Notice Submission Date (with a notice period of less than 2 months)Two full calendar months' tuition
August 1 – August 31August & September
September 1 – September 30October & November
October 1 – October 31November & December
November 1 – November 30December & January
December 1 – December 31January - February
January 1 – January 31February - March
February 1 – February 29March - April
March 1 – March 31April - May
April 1 – April 30May
May 1 – May 31 or afterMay
*subject to EDB approval Miscellaneous Fees*
Items Description
Fee charged for late payment of tuition fee$200 per installment
Re-issuance of graduation certificate$100 per copy
Re-issuance of School Transcript$100 (1-3 Transcripts in Single Order) &$25 Each Additional Transcript in the same order
Replacement of a student card$50 per card
Books or Equipment ReplacementReplacement Cost +15%
*subject to EDB approval Application Fee
FeeAmount (HKD)
Application Fee $1,500
 The application fee is HK$1,500 which has been approved by the Education Bureau, is non-refundable and non-transferable. It must be received together with the Online Application Form. The application fee covers the administrative cost, admissions interview and assessment. The fee is only valid for one academic year. If an applicant does not gain admission, and thus reapplies for the next academic year, the fee must be paid again. Other Education-related CostsOther education-related costs on top of tuition fees may include, but are not limited to, school uniforms, bus service, and lunches. Fee Reduction SchemeCAPCL offers Fees Reduction Scheme to assist families with significant financial needs. Please contact the Finance Department via email: finance@capcl.edu.hk for application forms as needed.  The scheme is subject to the total amount allocated and final approval from the School Registered Management Committee. Eligibility Criteria for Fee Reductions
  1. Students must be full-time attending Grade 1 to Grade 6 at CAPCL.
  2. Students in receipt of a Local Education Allowance or other education allowances are ineligible for a fee reduction.
  3. All fee reduction recipients will be required to maintain certain level of academic proficiency commensurate with their abilities as well as demonstrate behaviours and teachable attitudes appropriate for CAPCL students. Failure to meet school defined academic and behavioural criteria may result in termination of a fee reduction.

Individual Capital Note (Transferable) for 2025/26

(subject to EDB's approval)

An Individual Capital Note (ICN) program is set up to provide funding for the betterment of the campus of Christian Alliance P.C. Lau Memorial International School (CAPCL) located at Kowloon City. The ICN is a non-interest bearing, unsecured note and is issued by CAPCL Foundation Limited on behalf of CAPCL. For new students, the ICN payment is due within 10 days of acceptance of the offer for a seat or prior to attending classes, whichever is earlier. Parents are required to submit the ICN Application Form together with payment to the Admissions Office. Parents may transfer their children's ICN to new student's families through our School when their children withdraw/graduate from the School. An administrative fee of 1% of the ICN certificate face value will be charged upon the completion of the transfer.

Cost of Individual Capital Note:
    • HK$260,000 for the first child
    • HK$234,000 for the second child
    • HK$221,000 for the third child
    • HK$208,000 for the fourth child
 ICN Administrative Fees
Transfer of ICN*1% of face value of the relevant ICN Certificate
Transfer within 12 months from the date of ICN issuance (handling fee)15% of the ICN face value or the prevailing effective Annual Capital Levy amount, whichever is lower
Re-issuance of ICN Certificate due to:
(a) Change of ownership or personal particulars
(b) Loss of Certificate or transfer without original Certificate
(a) HK$1,000
(b) HK$500
For details of the administrative fees of ICN, please refer to the respective Terms & Conditions. For details of the ICN program, please contact the Admissions Office.

For details about the collection and use of fees related to ICN and ACL, please contact the Finance Department at finance@capcl.edu.hk.


(subject to EDB's approval)

Upon student registration for the School, a non-refundable, non-transferable fixed sum Annual Capital Levy (ACL) is collected annually by CAPCL Foundation Limited on behalf of CAPCL for each student not covered by an ICN. The amount of ACL is assessed for each academic year and the School reserves the right to change the amount of ACL from time to time. The ACL amount is HK$25,000. The ACL is payable each year upon registration. No discount will be offered on an ACL. For new students, the ACL payment is due within 10 days of acceptance of the offer for a seat or prior to attending classes, whichever is earlier.


For details of ACL, please refer to the respective Terms & Conditions.


Age and Grade Level Determination  The academic school year runs from August to June.
 Birth Year for the following academic years
Grade Level2024/252025/262026/272027/28
This chart is for reference only. The placement of a student is determined by CAPCL based on his/her admissions assessment.


Please check here for other frequently asked questions (FAQ) about Christian Alliance P.C. Lau Memorial International School